Weekend Recap

Hello! 🙂 I am currently snuggled up under a blanket, spending my Sunday reading blogs and getting healthy meal ideas for lunch/dinners! It is a brisk 7 degrees here (warmed up from -2 this morning when I got up!) It has been a mostly relaxing 3-day weekend! I got a little off-track with my Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday routine already, but I’ll get to that. 😉

Friday: I worked a long week prior to, so I was off Friday! I slept in (a big 8:00am!) and then cleaned my house for what seemed like forever! We adopted a cat two weeks ago, Sophie, so I’m forever sweeping up her hair! Luckily for her, she’s adorable, so I don’t mind… too much. My friend and her kiddos came to visit for a little bit and I drank more coffee than a gal probably should in one day. I spent the evening binge-watching The Bachelor. I seriously started from Episode One and was almost up to date except one episode… my boyfriend took over the TV with his Xbox. A guy can only handle so many rose ceremonies.

Meet Sophie.
Meet Sophie.

Saturday: I woke up early to Sophie laying on my chest and licking my face. Seriously, she thinks she’s a dog! I made some coffee and hurried up to finish the last episode of The Bachelor so now I’m all caught up. 🙂 New guilty pleasure for sure! Now where the weekend took a slightly crappy turn. We decided to spend our Valentine’s Day making dinner at home and curling up in front of our wood-burning stove to watch a movie. Before we could do that, we had to go furniture shopping! I seriously got dressed up (red lipstick and all!) to go couch and grocery shopping. Only me. Anyways, we found a dining room table and a couch for really reasonable prices. We loaded up the furniture and stopped to buy steaks & scallops for dinner. As we get home, it starts to snow. Like really snow. We hurry up and get the couch into the garage and shut the garage door because the blizzard was coming into the room, which I haven’t gotten unpacked yet. At this point the plastic-wrapped couch was all slippery from being snowed on. We tried to move it into the basement and… it didn’t fit. Tried to turn it diagonally, nope. Tried to stand it up right and inch it in, nope. Looked up freaking diagrams via Google and came to the conclusion that unless we wanted to saw our new couch in half length-wise and glue it back together, the damn thing was not going to fit. It was then I remembered that the previous owner’s had a futon downstairs. Now I know why. UGH, fail. After lunch we go to retrieve the dining room table from the back of the truck. At this point it’s covered in an inch and a half of snow and weighing in at 177 pounds, wasn’t budging from the back of his big ole lifted truck. So, we open the box (it’s still snowing at this point) and take it out, piece by piece. Once everything is in the garage, I took all the chair and bench pieces to the dining area and we put it together. It took about an hour, maybe a little more. I was just getting over my disappointment about the couch when we went to the garage to get the actual table top. The table top, that as soon as we pulled it out of the box we noticed, WAS BROKEN. Well not broken, but somewhere along the line it had been dropped on the corner and it was all smashed. We took it out piece by piece to avoid this, so it wasn’t us. Now it’s like 5:00pm and I have no furniture downstairs to enjoy our fire on and no table to eat the $75 meal I was making. I will be the first to admit that when things don’t go my way, I have a tendency to pout. It’s just so annoying! Luckily, my boyfriend pulled me out of my funk and we put the table together despite it’s broken piece so we could at least enjoy our nice dinner. It was deeeeeelicious. Steak, scallops, asparagus and fried potatoes. Nom, nom, nom. We also had a glass of white wine, which put me promptly to sleep on the couch. 🙂

Mid-week 6 progress
Mid-week 6 progress

**Last progress pic until I'm done on week 12. I don't like taking these and it's hard to see progress taking a picture every single week.
**Last progress pic until I’m done on week 12. I don’t like taking these and it’s hard to see progress taking a picture every single week.

Sunday: Woke up to snow covered roads and -2 temps, so returning the couch and exchanging the tabletop has to wait until another day. After my eventful day the day before, I didn’t work out. I mean, moving furniture around was SOME kind of cardio at least, right? I know, no excuses. So I threw on my gym playlist and busted it out today. I tried to take progress pictures but the lighting in my house is not any better than at the previous place and honestly, I am just not good at taking them. I’m not sure what the Insta-famous gals have that I don’t, but I cannot take good pictures of my booty or any other muscle group for that matter. Maybe when I get a new phone and can let in some natural light, it will help. I do have some pictures from earlier in the week for comparison.


All in all, it’s been a good weekend. I still have the rest of today to lounge andddd watch the Bachelor special on tonight. I’ll be posting our dinner from tonight as well, once I figure out what the heck to make. Back to blog creepin’ I go. I especially like to get inspiration from Simply TaraLynn.

How have your weekends been? Anyone enjoying WARM temps?! If so, I’m jealous. Sooo, so jealous.




Hey there! It really is mind-boggling to me that it is already February… am I the only one who feels like time is on fast-forward?! Not only is it crazyyy that we are already mostly through winter but tomorrow starts week 6 of my build-a-booty challenge! Say what?! I feel like I just started and I’m already in month two of the work out! I’m pretty sure once it’s over I’m going to restart it but with heavier weights and more consistent scheduling. While I accomplish the workouts each week some way or another, I keep doing them on different days and I think that has a slight effect on the results. You have to give your muscles proper time to repair; according to the program I’m using, 36-48 hours in between each work out for a specific muscle group. So because this workout targets glutes; I wouldn’t want to do squats on leg day, for example. Because I’ve been busy/lazy (depending on how you want to look at it) with moving/setting up our house, I only did Week 5’s workouts 2x so far when I was supposed to do it 3x. That means I need to finish Week 5 today and start Week 6 Tuesday. My advice to you is this: NEVER STRAY FROM YOUR SCHEDULE! Once you break the habit of working out, it is basically like starting over every time. You don’t just stop going to work if you don’t feel like going, do you? NOPE! Working out shouldn’t be any different. So my new schedule for the rest of the 6 weeks will be as follows: TUESDAY-THURSDAY-SATURDAY. Noooo excuses! Since time is flying right on by that means summer will be here before we know it and I want my summer body I’ve always talked about.

I feel like when I say that, I can practically see the eyes rollin’ round the world. Yessss, I know I am thin BUT that doesn’t mean I am in shape! I want muscles. 🙂 That being said, I gotta go run some errands so I can come home, work out and plop on the couch to watch the Grammy’s tonight!

Happy Sunday!


In Case You Were Curious…

Wow! I was super excited this morning to wake up to an inbox full of notifications from my blog! It seems like I have gained quite a few new followers in the past week!! 🙂 I have really been enjoying writing on this blog and I thought it might be fun to share some facts about myself with you, as well as some pictures of something other than my butt. I hope that wasn’t the only reason you were here, because wouldn’t that be awkward?

I would also love to hear about YOU!! Leave me a comment with a fact about yourself or your blog!

Just like the good ole ICQ days here are 25 facts about me!
Name: Amanda
Dressing room selfies.. I really wanted this romper but it gave me a permanent wedgie. Ha!!
Dressing room selfies.. I really wanted this romper but it gave me a permanent wedgie. Ha!!
Age: 24
Where were you born: Napa, California
How many siblings do you have: 5- One older brother, one younger brother, one younger sister and two stepsisters.
Older brother :)
Older brother 🙂
What is your biggest fear: Death. Cliche, but true.
What is your biggest regret: Moving around so much in high school. I went to four different schools and didn’t even attend my graduation because I didn’t know anybody!
Biggest dream: To publish a novel.
Favorite quote: She believed she could, so she did.
Random fact about you: When I can’t fall asleep at night I think of future names for my kiddo’s. I don’t want kids yet but I find it relaxing! My BF is used to me randomly being like “what about Benjamin? or Mila?” Poor guy.
Biggest accomplishment to date: Graduating with my Bachelor of Social Work degree.
With my parents & Brandon. Fun fact: I grew up in Pennsylvania, but went to California in the summer to see my dad. This is the first time I had seen my parents at the same time since I was 5.
With my parents & Brandon. Fun fact: I grew up in Pennsylvania, but went to California in the summer to see my dad. This is the first time I had seen my parents at the same time since I was 5.
If you could travel anywhere, where would it be: Ireland!!
If you could be ANYTHING, what would it be: Author (fiction novels), journalist, professional blogger
What advice would you give your teenage self: You will appreciate the things you WORK for more than you could ever appreciate things that were given to you. Never stop striving to become a better version of yourself.
Biggest fitness goal: Currently, to build my booty so I have more curves. Long term, to keep getting stronger.
Stronger= more badass yoga poses.
Stronger= more badass yoga poses.
Favorite possession: Wishbox necklace that belonged to my Aunt.
Favorite novel: The Pact, Jodi Picoult + everything else she has written. Obsessed.
Favorite musician: Jason Reeves. Also obsessed.
Favorite food: Turkey, avocado & BLT sandwich from Panera. MMMM.
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Coffee, in all its forms.
Weirdest thing about you: Clutter makes my anxiety go INSANE. I hate cluttered counter tops, tables, etc. I literally cannot relax in a messy/cluttered space.
Craziest thing you’ve ever done: When I was 16-ish and living in California, I went hiking with a group of friends… on private property with multiple rock quarries. Other than the potential of falling in one and dying, I don’t remember why it was such a big deal BUT, we were chased down the mountain by a police helicopter and were met at the fence by several police cars. We had to hop the fence in front of the cops since that was the only way in/out since ya know, it was PRIVATE PROPERTY! Somehow they sent us on our merry way without even calling our parents. My one and only stint with the law; had to make it memorable I guess!
Best concert you’ve ever been to: Of Monsters & Men.
How did you meet your boyfriend: We met the summer before my freshman year of high school at the county fair. 🙂 I was 14, he was 16. Fast-forward 10 years and here we are, still together!
Do you have any tattoos/what do they mean: I have 3. I have angel wings in memory of my Aunt, a skeleton key on my inner left arm because I have always loved them and roses + a pocket watch on my right outer thigh. The time is set at 7:10 because 710 has always been my favorite number. (Backstory: My mom, brother and I used to travel to Tennessee for Easter to see my Aunt Starr, cousins and grandparents. We stopped a rest area and I put a quarter in one of those machines that weighs you & gives you your lucky number. I have fond memories of those road trips!)
How cool is your mom: I really just wanted an excuse to share this gem from Halloween.
So there you go! I have a post started for my final week in month one of the build a booty workout series; I’m going to work on that for the end of this week. Starting with week 5, the workouts go from 2x a week to 3x a week. HELLO, Beyonce booty.
Fact #26: I hate the word booty. -_-  I look forward to reading some of your facts!! Feel free to steal some of my questions! 🙂
Sometimes I steal my boyfriend's work beanies and take mirror pics. Judge me.
Sometimes I steal my boyfriend’s work beanies and take mirror pics. Judge me.

Build a Booty Week 3 Update

So… in two hours it will be two WEEKS since I posted last. Ugh! I am the worst, I know I knowwww. Life has been extremely busy lately. Between work and buying our house, things have been nonstop it seems. We closed on the house Friday, so I’ve been back and forth between our old house and the new one! It’s seriously been so surreal and TIRING; but so worth it. Owning a home has always been a dream of mine, since I was a little kid. I moved a lot growing up and went to 6 or 7 schools; 3 of those being high school alone! I’m looking forward to staying in the same place for the foreseeable future and making more memories with Brandon. (Who, by the way, the ENTIRE world has pointed out throughout the home buying process is my BOYFRIEND NOT HUSBAND OR FIANCE. Thanks, world. We got it.) Anyways, the point is, I’ve been busy! Here’s what has been going on as far as my fitness/health goals and as usual, I am being honest and straightforward!

Working out: I have definitely still been working out consistently, with the main focus being on my build a booty workouts and arm routines. I really need to commit more time to working out, though, and to creating more of a “schedule”. I’m hoping that once we move and get settled in, I can really crack down on this. “I don’t have time” is a shitty excuse (I mean, I have the same amount of hours in the day as Beyonce, remember? HA!) so I’ll just say that I haven’t had the stability necessary.

Food: Ha ha ha. Okay soooo, I kinda came up with this logic that since I’m moving, I shouldn’t grocery shop because that’s more food that I might waste. In retrospect, after spending lots of extra money on eating out, that was a FAIL. Oops. Now that I move in 5 days, I’m just rollin with it. I absolutely hate grocery shopping, but I have to say that I’m pretty excited to fill up all the cabinets at my new house. 🙂 Also super excited to start fresh with a completely bare fridge because I’m not gonna lie, mine is gross and cluttered. I just went through all of the tupperware in there and man, it wasn’t pretty. -_-

Yoga: After 3 whole yoga classes, I got word that the studio I was going to closes next month due to financial issues. Figures! The studio was like a whole 5 minutes from my new house, too. I’m not sure if I’m going to look for another one or not. I really enjoyed going, but I’m moving about twenty minutes away from town so I’ll have to see what I can find that’s close!

Smoking: Ok, I’m pretty pissed about this. I DID NOT announce, other than on this blog, that I was quitting smoking because when someone says they are, they usually don’t. It’s just how it works. Welllll I really hadn’t smoked in about a month I believe and then I went and smoked two with a margarita and a shot of tequila on the side. Le sigh. 5 years ago in June marks a tragedy in my family, and we were celebrating a birthday in memory of that person; sooo, I used that whole “you deserve to!” excuse. Dumb. It literally tasted like licking an ashtray. So I did it twice? I will never understand the logic of a smoker, honestly. Whatever, moving on, right?

All in all, life is good. I am damn proud of myself for all of the things I have accomplished and my failures as well. Acknowledging when I screw up is all a part of accountability and keepin’ it real. 😉  Speaking of keeping it real, I have PROGRESS PICTURES!!! I am a little late on posting them because today started Week 4, but, here are my 3 week progress pictures. Not to toot my own horn but uh…


Toot! Posting pictures of your own butt selfies on the internet is really awkward but pictures are really the only way to track progress accurately! I honestly couldn’t tell if the build a booty program was really working or not and then I looked at this! I’m excited to see my final results at week 12. This is a great reminder for those who are working on their fitness; whatever their goals may be: TAKE PROGRESS PICTURES! You might not be thrilled with what you see in the mirror right now, but these pictures will do a hell of a lot more for you than a scale ever could.

I hope you have a lovely Monday tomorrow; wake up with a goal and kick its ass. 🙂



(P.S: THANK GOD FOR AUTO-SAVE! I was re-reading this and hit the backspace button to fix an error and it went to the previous webpage and erased everything. My heart may have stopped for a minute.)

Monday Funday

Due to a long day this Thursday, I got to have today off from work. Hello, 3 day weekend! 🙂 It was fabulous, honestly. I was able to hang out with friends, relax and have some quiet time to read and write. (My saving grace in life). I even took a midday hot bath, candles lit and all. What is this life?!

My sweet tooth has been intense lately, so I decided to bake something. I wanted something chocolate-y that wasn’t going to hurt my dairy-sensitive stomach. I looked up some ideas on Pinterest but everything required a million weirdo ingredients. Maybe one day my pantry will be full of such things, but for now, I’m a flour/sugar/vanilla extra kinda gal. I’m interested by recipes that are banana based. It’s not something I would have ever considered, but they’re so versatile. I’m a huge fan of banana/egg pancakes. (A post for another day!)

This is what I whipped up. Banana-choco Chip Quick Oat Cookies. The recipe is easier than the name.


  • 1 Cup quick oats (can be subbed for rolled oats as well)
  • 2 bananas
  • Chocolate chips
  • Cocoa powder


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mash up bananas with a fork; this is easier done if the bananas are more ripe. I, however, only like bananas when they are still green so my mashin’ takes a bit longer. Add in the remaining ingredients. I didn’t put amounts for the choco chips or cocoa powder because I just dumped them in until it looked chocolate-y enough. Can’t really mess that up!

Baked for 13-15 minutes, until slightly browned. These would be amazing with coffee, but I’m trying to limit myself to caffeine in the AM so I just enjoyed mine with water. Maybe I’ll have one with my breakfast tomorrow. 😉




First Month Recap

Happy Monday everyone! Is the start of a brand new day and a brand new week; my favorite! I love the feeling of a clean slate, especially when you have a less than perfect week. There’s always room for improvement!

Does "looking up quotes" count as a hobby?
Does “looking up quotes” count as a hobby?

So I started this blog about a month ago and I wanted to provide a general update on how things are going on my fitness journey! I think things are going pretty well! I’m really enjoying this focus on health and fitness. I have to say that the main thing I enjoy is just the comfort in knowing that I am not trashing my body. There are about a million and one things that can go wrong with our bodies and I don’t want to be one of those things. So, in true Amanda-fashion, here is a list update of how things are going.

  • Exercise: I’ve been exercising 4-5 times a week. I don’t have a super strict work out plan or anything. I’m doing the build a booty workout so that’s twice a week and takes care of legs and glutes. Then I do a yoga class Tuesday and I do arms/core twice a week. I’m sure that it would be more effective to have a set workout schedule, but, for right now I enjoy following other plans. Maybe eventually I’ll be awesome and create my own work outs. ;P I’ve been considering purchasing the 21 day fix, but I don’t really want to drop a lot of money on something that I can find fo free on the good ole internet. Again, maybe eventually.
  • Diet: When I say diet I just mean what foods I’m putting into my body. I’m not on, nor will I ever be, on a diet. Diets are stupid. Again, I don’t have a super strict plan here. I’m not counting calories, macros, etc. I just try to eat healthy 80% of the time. I have to say that the hardest part is trying to eat healthy when someone in your house is not. Like, at all. My boyfriend is all “kale is not a real thing. Give me cheese. Extra cheese”. Meanwhile my stupid stomach can barely process cheese. So, that’s rough. For the record, I also think kale is not a real thing. Yuck.
  • Smoking: I don’t. I haven’t. I bought new lotion and perfume from Victoria’s Secret Semi-Annual sale and I smell pretty, the end. 🙂

So there you have it! Things are good and they just keep getting better. I’m going to try to post more regularly and hope that will guide my journey! Tomorrow will be my third yoga class so I will post about that and Wednesday will conclude Week 2 of my the build a booty workouts!

Something for me to consider!
Something for me to consider!

I hope your week is starting off great!



Get off your A$$

I needed someone to whisper that in my ear a couple of hours ago. Rewind to this afternoon when I got off work. I had a decent day at work but for whatever reason, I decided I “deserved” to “relax”. (I’ll explain the sarcastic quotes in a minute). I forgot to take something out of the freezer for dinner and I had already had leftovers for lunch, so I decided to order hot wings. Mmm. I mean, chicken is healthy right? Okay so I wasn’t going for healthy, but it’s not my intention to eat healthy 100% of the time. If I can shoot for a good 80%, that’s good with me. So I eat my wings (6-7 to be exact, not even big ones!) and I started to feel full and bloated. Yuck. Afterwards, I opened up the good ole laptop and started to look on Pinterest… for like, an hour. I decided to open my blog and write a post about my yoga class yesterday when I saw my last post. My last post stating that I would do Day 2 of the BAB workout Wednesday. But… today is Wednesday, and I don’t wanna. I “deserved” to “relax” remember?

Okay, so the sarcastic quotes. I get it. Work, even if you like your job, is not all WHOO HOO THIS IS THE BEST thing ever. When you get done for the day, you probably want to hang out in front of the TV and binge watch Vampire Diaries. (I just finished Season 5 and may be suffering PTSD). You start to use words like “deserve”, “relax” “chill”, etc. You start to convince yourself that you don’t need to clean the kitchen, or fold the laundry or work out. PSH! You are a hard-working American! Forget doing anything else. Forget. that. shit.

No. You’re being lazy. You can work out (and do other more boring things like laundry) and still have plenty of time to cry over Damen & Elena’s love triangle with Stefan. (If you don’t get that, bye.) So, I got off my ass and started to work out and GUESS WHAT? It felt great. It felt great pretty much right away, and I was happy. Then the best part? I took a shower and made a healthy banana split (strawberries, 1/2 banana, sliced almonds and a drizzle of choco syrup) and I’m being lazy. Guilt free.

So, GET OFF YOUR ASS. You’re welcome.



Day One

Sooo, one of the main reasons I started this blog was accountability. That being said… I had all intentions of starting the Build a Booty program (by ZBody Fitness) last Wednesday. Buuuut I worked and it was New Years Eve. Then it was New Years day… and I’m not even really sure what I spent my day doing. Then Friday I got wrapped up in a DIY project and painted most of the day, followed by having some friends over for dinna & coffee (we’re so cool). Saturday I spent most of my time driving back and forth from my house to Home Depot & Lowes (apparently I am in search of the world’s hardest to find dresser hardware). ANYWAYS, the point is, one day turned into two, three, FOUR days that I put off working out. That kind of thing happens to a lot of people. “Oh I’ll do it tomorrow” quickly turns into “oh shit it’s summer and I want to wear a parka everywhere.” 😛

I have a really close group of friends; all three of whom are planning their weddings. (Yep, hi Internet, I am the always a bridesmaid, never a bride friend). We all struggle with consistency with living healthier lifestyles, but wanted to motivate each other for our individual goals. We constantly group text each other, so one of them decided to create a Facebook page so that we can check in, share recipes and provide encouragement to one another. We also started this 30 day Little Black Dress challenge and I’ve been using that as a supplement to my work out. Or at least, I meant to, but I kinda fell off the wagon this weekend so it was kinda sorta the only thing I did. Our motivation page was just the thing I needed to throw on some shorts and a sports bra and get to squattin’! So I finally completed Day 1 of the BAB workout. The workout is two times a week for the first month; then it switches up the routine and goes to three times a week for the second month; and by the third month, the routine changes again but remains at three times a week. The work outs require hand weights which you can increase to up the difficulty if you want to. Let me tell you, this workout BURNS. It is HARD. I could barely walk down the stairs after I was done and I definitely contemplated taking a nap. I don’t see how you wouldn’t get results if you stick with the program. So I’m going to take progress pictures along the way; maybe every two weeks or something. My look at my butt grow selfies will probably suck because the lighting in my house is TERRIBLE and I just have this dinky little door mirror, but that’s the best I have. Maybe our new house will allow me to have a better selfie game? 😉

See? Terrible lighting. Dinky door mirror. Also, excuse my messy room. :)
See? Terrible lighting. Dinky door mirror. Also, excuse my messy room. 🙂

I actually think it kinda looks like I have a butt in this picture but I think it’s just the shorts. Whatever, I’ll take it!

I’ll probably be pretty darn sore tomorrow, and I have yoga Tuesday so I’ll probably do Day 2 Wednesday. For real this time.

“New Year, New Me”


Who else is sick of hearing this phrase? Haha! Obviously I am all for life change and making positive steps, but this seems to be such a cliche! I guess I am a walking, talking hypocrit though, since my goals for this upcoming year (note, I don’t have “resolutions”) are the most predictable goals in the history of ever.

  1. Eat healthier. Come onnnnnn.
  2. Work out. Get a grip.
  3. Quit smoking. Okay seriously, you’re officially a human cliche.

Oh well! If it it means creating a healthier life for myself, then I will be a hypocrit ALL DAY LONG! I had a low-key New Year playing You Don’t Know Jack & Fibbage (both super fun!) with friends and had a whopping one glass of champagne and a celebratory shot at midnight. Then it was back to water for this gal! Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I like a few drinks to unwind with my friends, but there’s something about waking up with NO hangover that motivates me to reach for the H2O instead. 😉 Also, drinking = smoking and well, see #3.

Speaking of smoking; I told one of my oldest friends I was “in the process of quitting” and he said (and I quote!) “I have no faith in you quitting.” You’re probably thinking I have some pretty rude friends, huh?! Nope- he is absolutely right! I have stopped smoking so many times, I wouldn’t believe me either! He also used to be a smoker, in fact, he smoked for about 10 years before he quit! It’s been TWO years and he has not slipped up even ONCE! He is a great motivation for quitting and I think his comment was just the bluntness I needed to really commit. It’s good to have someone to prove wrong! I got this.

I’m feeling pretty great about my life changes/goals… what about you? What are you working on changing going into the new year?



Choices (& Some Bribery)

I think everyone that is trying to make some kind of life change will agree that the hardest part is self-control. Choosing a goal and even planning for that goal is the easy part, in my opinion. It gets tricky when day after day, there are temptations leading you away from your new lifestyle. I’m trying to tackle two different goals at the same time: quitting smoking and beginning a consistent work out routine. I want to make my health a priority and stop making toxic choices. So far, so… meh. I won’t lie and say that I quit smoking cold turkey. I’ve done that in the past and actually had good results, but, for whatever reason I haven’t done that this time around. I honestly think that I was just giving into daily temptations. Social functions for the holidays resulted in a couple glasses of wine and cigarettes, which lead to waking up the next morning like ugh. Excuses, excuses.

I’m definitely on the right track though. I’ve been drinking water like it’s my job and I’ve been working out considerably more than when I had a gym membership, go figure. I know that I am fully capable of accomplishing my goals, I just need to overcome daily temptations. I think half the battle is recognizing those temptations/triggers. Here are some I noticed throughout the day (note: I did not smoke at all today).

  1. Stress: This is a no-brainer. Stress = a desire for nicotine. Enter deadly toxins! Not today for this girl. Instead, I blasted my Taylor Swift CD and sung my little heart out.
  2. Seeing other people indulge: This is probably the worst for me. Seeing people smoke. Even if I wasn’t craving one at all, seeing someone else do it makes me want to. Stupid mind tricks.
  3. The domino effect: Laziness = stuffing my face with gross food and well shit, I may as well have a chocolate milkshake and pollute my lungs, too. Why not! One bad choice leads to another and another…

I think that a little incentive to push myself along is a great idea. Or maybe I just really want new pants, whatever. I’m not sure how long I’ll make myself wait, but if I can stop falling back on old habits and start utilizing some new ones, I think a new pair of workout pants are in order. Not Victoria’s Secret yoga pants that I binge watch Netflix in, but actual pants made for getting sweaty and gross. Shopping = motivation. 🙂

& now for the very most important part of a healthy lifestyle… sleep. I have been exhausted all day and I fully intended on being asleep by 9 tonight. Oops.


Incentive pants? That's totally a thing.
Incentive pants? That’s totally a thing.

P.S: After some thought, I decided to switch up my plans for this week. I did arms tonight and I’ll save the booty-killin’ workout for Wednesday, because let’s be honest, I won’t be doing any kind of bending afterwards. 😛

