Tag Archives: booty

Day One

Sooo, one of the main reasons I started this blog was accountability. That being said… I had all intentions of starting the Build a Booty program (by ZBody Fitness) last Wednesday. Buuuut I worked and it was New Years Eve. Then it was New Years day… and I’m not even really sure what I spent my day doing. Then Friday I got wrapped up in a DIY project and painted most of the day, followed by having some friends over for dinna & coffee (we’re so cool). Saturday I spent most of my time driving back and forth from my house to Home Depot & Lowes (apparently I am in search of the world’s hardest to find dresser hardware). ANYWAYS, the point is, one day turned into two, three, FOUR days that I put off working out. That kind of thing happens to a lot of people. “Oh I’ll do it tomorrow” quickly turns into “oh shit it’s summer and I want to wear a parka everywhere.” 😛

I have a really close group of friends; all three of whom are planning their weddings. (Yep, hi Internet, I am the always a bridesmaid, never a bride friend). We all struggle with consistency with living healthier lifestyles, but wanted to motivate each other for our individual goals. We constantly group text each other, so one of them decided to create a Facebook page so that we can check in, share recipes and provide encouragement to one another. We also started this 30 day Little Black Dress challenge and I’ve been using that as a supplement to my work out. Or at least, I meant to, but I kinda fell off the wagon this weekend so it was kinda sorta the only thing I did. Our motivation page was just the thing I needed to throw on some shorts and a sports bra and get to squattin’! So I finally completed Day 1 of the BAB workout. The workout is two times a week for the first month; then it switches up the routine and goes to three times a week for the second month; and by the third month, the routine changes again but remains at three times a week. The work outs require hand weights which you can increase to up the difficulty if you want to. Let me tell you, this workout BURNS. It is HARD. I could barely walk down the stairs after I was done and I definitely contemplated taking a nap. I don’t see how you wouldn’t get results if you stick with the program. So I’m going to take progress pictures along the way; maybe every two weeks or something. My look at my butt grow selfies will probably suck because the lighting in my house is TERRIBLE and I just have this dinky little door mirror, but that’s the best I have. Maybe our new house will allow me to have a better selfie game? 😉

See? Terrible lighting. Dinky door mirror. Also, excuse my messy room. :)
See? Terrible lighting. Dinky door mirror. Also, excuse my messy room. 🙂

I actually think it kinda looks like I have a butt in this picture but I think it’s just the shorts. Whatever, I’ll take it!

I’ll probably be pretty darn sore tomorrow, and I have yoga Tuesday so I’ll probably do Day 2 Wednesday. For real this time.


I am not the curviest of girls. At 24, I’ve pretty much given up any hope that I’m going to magically wake up with Pamela Anderson’s boobs and Nicki’s Manaj’s butt. Well I can fix one of those things, so,

I honestly didn’t know until I started following fitness Instagram accounts that it was possible to build a bigger booty. I figured that was a genetic thing and well, I wasn’t blessed with it. I think a nice, round booty on a girl is extremely attractive. Girls with curves fill out clothes better and in my opinion, it’s a better look than the dreaded “pancake ass”. I had gained a few pounds awhile ago and filled out a little bit, but I’ve since lost it annnnd my boyfriend so lovingly pointed out that I had “lost my ass”. -_- Well, time to stop wishing and start working!

I see a lot of girls posting those “30 day squat challenges” and I will admit, I used to try those too. The problem is, doing the same exact move for multiple repetitions is only working one set of muscles! There are tons of different exercises that will target different areas of your booty and will give you a nice, well-rounded workout. (Pun slightly intended). I found a build a booty plan through one of the Instagram accounts I follow: zoelivelovelift. She sells an e-book for $20 that provides you with a 12 week workout plan that I PROMISE will give you results. I did the program for about two weeks before I eventually just stopped (shocker, I know!) and I seriously could barely walk afterwards. You only do it two times a week for the first month and then 3 times a week after that, and the results I have seen are phenomenal. If you can commit the time to it, it is well worth the $20. I don’t want to plagiarize any of her work, but you can buy her e-books at www.zbodyfitnessinc.com

These pics are a few months old, but I'd say I still look about the same.
These pics are a few months old, but I’d say I still look about the same.
We will call these my "before" pictures.
We will call these my “before” pictures.

So here goes nothing, again. I’m going to start tomorrow, meaning I won’t be able to walk Tuesday morning. 😉 That should be interesting because I’m going to a yoga class Tuesday night. Wish me luck!

