“New Year, New Me”


Who else is sick of hearing this phrase? Haha! Obviously I am all for life change and making positive steps, but this seems to be such a cliche! I guess I am a walking, talking hypocrit though, since my goals for this upcoming year (note, I don’t have “resolutions”) are the most predictable goals in the history of ever.

  1. Eat healthier. Come onnnnnn.
  2. Work out. Get a grip.
  3. Quit smoking. Okay seriously, you’re officially a human cliche.

Oh well! If it it means creating a healthier life for myself, then I will be a hypocrit ALL DAY LONG! I had a low-key New Year playing You Don’t Know Jack & Fibbage (both super fun!) with friends and had a whopping one glass of champagne and a celebratory shot at midnight. Then it was back to water for this gal! Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I like a few drinks to unwind with my friends, but there’s something about waking up with NO hangover that motivates me to reach for the H2O instead. 😉 Also, drinking = smoking and well, see #3.

Speaking of smoking; I told one of my oldest friends I was “in the process of quitting” and he said (and I quote!) “I have no faith in you quitting.” You’re probably thinking I have some pretty rude friends, huh?! Nope- he is absolutely right! I have stopped smoking so many times, I wouldn’t believe me either! He also used to be a smoker, in fact, he smoked for about 10 years before he quit! It’s been TWO years and he has not slipped up even ONCE! He is a great motivation for quitting and I think his comment was just the bluntness I needed to really commit. It’s good to have someone to prove wrong! I got this.

I’m feeling pretty great about my life changes/goals… what about you? What are you working on changing going into the new year?



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